Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Birthday Wish List!

I may or may not be celebrating a birthday in the next few days and I thought I would share a couple of items that I would love to see all wrapped up! I really do not spend much money on beauty products day to day so I often save a few items that I really want for my birthdays and holidays. If we can't splurge on ourselves a little bit for getting through another year then..well... A few of these items are a bit on the spendy side and may have to be a gift that covers my birthday, Christmas, and maybe an anniversary or two...or three. It's up to you honey!(You know I would be perfectly happy with a night out with some friends and family too!)

1. NAKED 2 palette: I am a die hard fan of the original Naked palette and have wanted the 2nd version for over a year. I bought it for my oldest daughter and she adores it. My turn!

2. Clarisonic Mia 2: Man I have seen tons of reviews for these facial cleansers. Some are stellar and some are not so stellar. I really would like to try it out for myself. I love my sonic toothbrush so....

3. Hoola Bronzer by Benefit: Many of my Youtube gals love this non-orange, good for all skin shades bronzer. I must tell you that I get very "Minnesota white" real quick here and will be needing some fake bronzing STAT!

4. Michael Kors watch: This is a doosey. These watches are Gorgeous with a capital G and Expensive with a capital E. Normally I am a total knock-off-but-still-looks-like-it kind of girl, but these watches are just stunning. We have a Michael Kors outlet nearby and I have already snuck a peek.

Anything on your birthday wish list? Share in the comments!

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