Thursday, November 14, 2013

stylish and affordable jewelry storage!

Part of being a fashionista means you most likely have storage issues. I have shoe storage issues, clothes storage issues (I despise trading my clothes out for the seasons--whole 'nother post for another time--Ha!) and I absolutely have accessory storage issues. I plan to share some of my storage solutions here on the blog over the next couple of months. Please, please share yours as well! I need all the help I can get! Today I am going to show you a small portion of my jewelry collection and a storage solution that was cheap, yet oh so chic.

 I originally saw the idea on Whippy Cake's blog--you know how I love Miss WC! Her's is to-die-for gorgeous but a bit too involved for what I needed and the space I had to accomplish it with. So--I sent my mom out on garage sale hunts (don't worry--she lives for this kind of stuff) for some milk glass. Different sizes, designs, and heights. She would text me pics and I would snag the ones that I loved. Each piece was very reasonable. You can also find loads of milk glass at thrift stores. I simply placed them on my dresser and loaded them up with dainty bracelets, big bracelets, rings, and odds and ends. I love how this serves as storage AND decoration all at once. Go get yourself some milk glass and make it happen!

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