Friday, April 19, 2013

Who I AM....and Who I am NOT

Is there a prerequisite to starting a blog? Does one have to accomplish items on a list in order to have enough experience to put their thoughts out there on a blog? I hope not. I am not here because of my many accomplishments and accolades. I am here because I love a lot of things about life and I like to gab and I like to share. So here it goes...

Who I am...

1. Loved and forgiven by Jesus which makes everything else that much sweeter
2. Wife of many years to my gorgeous hubby who is still my favorite person on the planet
3. Mom to FOUR gorgeous girls who drive me to madness and fill my heart to overflowing minute to minute
4. Middle school English teacher with a heart for tweeners and all their stuff
5. Friend and confidant who wishes she were more giving and a better listener. Sigh.
5. Amateur photographer trying to view the world through my lens and not to drive my kids crazy with my momarazzi approach to their development at the same time
6. Digital designer in training
7. Fashionable wannabe
8. Lover of food but hater of the muffin top
9. Dreamer of international travel whilst living and loving in a midwest, suburban lifestyle
10. Closet hair and makeup groupie

Who or what I am NOT....

1. Perfect. Far from it. Really, really far from it.
2. Patient
3. Timid or shy or introverted. At. All.
4. Fashion victim
5. Follower (unless it's about Jesus, because then I'm all in)
6. Someone who exercises for fun. I loathe it.
7. Political
8. Lazy
9. Morning person
10. Book snob

There. Now you have any idea about what you will and won't see on my little piece of internet heaven.

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